14 October 2020
The committee of BCS Hertfordshire is pleased to announce that during Joanna Smith’s “Diversity in IT – why it matters” presentation last night, the BCS Hertfordshire YouTube Channel received its 100th subscriber.
We are very pleased that our members, as well as the wider IT community have responded so positively towards the July relaunch of our YouTube channel.
The move to online streaming was driven by a combination of our 2020 membership survey (see more about the results of the members survey and the committees response to your feedback here) as well as the unprecedented impact of Covid-19 on our ability to run our traditional, physical events programme.
Having reached the 100 subscribers mile stone, we have been able to turn on new YouTube features, such as us now qualifying for our own YouTube Channel URL, which help us to simplify our marketing and make it easier for you to find us. This means that we can be found easily on YouTube via https://www.youtube.com/BCSHerts and that our next BCS Herts Live stream can now always be found by heading to https://www.youtube.com/BCSHerts/live.
If you haven’t already, please do subscribe to the channel using the link below as well as to our other social media to receive the latest news, events and updates from BCS Hertfordshire.
Last updated 14th October, 2020 at 11:32am