Tuesday, 8 September 2020, 7:00pm - 8:00pm

“A Mugu and a Maga walk into a chatroom”: An exploration of the importance of cybersecurity professionals as supportive knowledge sources for the public.

Cyber criminals and similar elements may be responsible for the attacks carried out online against users and resources but, who takes ownership of the other end of this conversation: equipping the end user with the tools, knowledge and cultural mindset to manage their own safety online?

Edewede Oriwoh is a cybersecurity enthusiast who supports self-responsibility online and encourages experts to support those who may not know how to manage their own online footprints and activities in safe and secure ways. She has worked as an e-Commerce Security engineer and a cybersecurity analyst, and currently provides cybersecurity consultancy as part of a start-up company.

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Last updated 12th November, 2023 at 11:05am