We Can Teach it to you Wholesale ~ MOOCs: Massive Open Online Courses
Thursday, 8 December 2016, 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Nick Parlow, Fujitsu Distinguished Engineer, Fujitsu
It is possible to learn anything online, from programming to dental photography to a foreign language to dog emotions. Some courses are provided by the best universities in the world, others decidedly not. This will be a presentation on the range of online learning tools available both for Continuing Professional Development and personal interest, including Massive Online Open Courses. Nick will describe the experiences using these tools in a large multinational company, both positive and negative before discussing how Fujitsu intends to improve on their implementation. Finally, there will be some tips on how to get the most out of them for individuals.
Cavendish Road, Stevenage, SG1 2DY
Free for members and non-members
Last updated 12th November, 2023 at 11:27am